An AMP energy drink can ready for the recycle bin
So, the local grocery store happened to be having a big sale on energy drinks. My Dad decided to go on a spree. Neither of us having tried energy drinks before, now seemed like a good as time as any! We got about six different brands, including Monster, Red Bull, AMP, Rockstar, and two others whose names escape me at the moment. First to be reviewed is AMP, flavor “Cherry Hit.” Check out the reactions of myself, Dad and sisters who (reluctantly after much prodding) participated below:
Ian’s verdict: They aren’t joking when they label it “Cherry Hit.” It has a pretty sharp, yet slightly bitter cherry flavor. I like it, though I’d put it under “acquired taste.”
Dad’s verdict: Tastes like it has an herbal undertone to the cherry flavor
Elsa’s verdict: Tastes like a really bad Lollipop
Sara’s verdict: Bleh!
Up Next: Red Bull