Tuesday, June 10, 2008

"Black and Gray" - A Poem

Walking through this world I’m in

My vision full of black and gray

A subtle dark perpetrates everything I seem to think and say

How did I get here, and why do I stay?

Why does the world suddenly look so bleak and gray

There is no great crisis, none this day

Yet my soul seems to almost groan, as if in pain

Perhaps the storms of life have caused a wrongful change

For they did rock me, and still sometimes come

In their wake they leave me weary,

My mind in confusion, my feelings spun

Yet all of it combined cannot stay the rise of the shining sun

For there is too much blessing, too much love for this gray to last

Like rain His love pours, His blessings shower down

With it the love of my family, my friends, also rains down

In this gentle rain the black and gray is soon washed away

And afterwards, a beautiful rainbow shines in its place.